Prevention of pollution by garbage

MARPOL 73/78 ,Annex V requires that every ship of 400 gross tonnage and above and every ship which is certified to carry 15 persons or more shall carry a Garbage Management Plan and Garbage Record Book.Garbage Management Plan includes procedures for storing,processing and disposal of garbage.Additionally;every ship of 12 metres or more in length to display placards to notify the crew and passangers of the rules governing the disposal of garbage.

MARPOL 73/78 Annex V states that a special area means a sea where special mandatory methods for the preventation of sea pollution by garbage is required. Special areas include those listed in regulation 5 of Annex V of MARPOL 73/78 which is reproduced as follows:

-The Mediterranean Sea

-The Baltic Sea

-The Black Sea

-The Red Sea

-The Gulfs area

-The North Sea

-The Antarctic area

-The Wider Carribbean Region

-The Omman Sea

-The Southern South Africa


The garbage is to be colllected and separeted in categories in accordance with the format for records of disposals as follows:

.1 Plastics(include synthetic ropes and fishing nets and garbage bags)

.2Floting dunnage,lining and packing materials

.3 Ground down Paper products,rags,glass,metal,bottles,crockery and similar refuse

.4 Cargo residues,paper, glass,metal,bottles,crockery and similar refuse

.5 Food waste not comminuted or ground

.6 Food waste not comminuted or ground

.7 Incinerator ash except from plastic products which may contain toxic or heavy metal residues

.8 Mixed refuse types(when garbage is mixed with other harmful substances having different disposal or discharge requirements,the more stringent requirements shall apply.)

All garbage discharges ,whether to sea/reception facilities asshore or to other ships must be recorded in the vessel’s Garbage Record Boook.The book shall be submitted to the vessel’s Master who shall sign each completed page.

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